Helping young people see themselves as forces for environmental change in their communities
Carmel Green Teen Micro-Grant ProgramIn 2009, I founded the Carmel Green Teen Micro-Grant Program. This teen-run program provides young people in central Indiana with the mentorship and funding they need to lead their own community-based environmental projects. The program has now been running for almost a decade, garnering national awards and an impressive local impact.
Jane Goodall's Roots & ShootsI have worked with Jane Goodall and her youth program, Roots & Shoots, since I first heard her speak in middle school. I have served on regional, national, and international youth leadership councils as well as as a spokesperson for the program at several of Dr. Goodall's lectures.
Connecting youth across aquariumsThrough NOAA's Office of Education and the Coastal Ecosystem Learning Centers Network, I coordinate youth connections between 27 aquariums across North America. Since starting in February of 2018, I have led the development of a new program that connects teens in learning from each other through bimonthly video conversations and reflections.